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Photographing Istanbul with iPhone

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“I Love Istanbul…. “

That’s a cliche, every body who’s been to Istanbul says that , a friend of mine once said, “if you love New York, then you must love Istanbul too, it’s a great city…” Yes, this time I have to admit, that statement is true; it’s a combination between tradition and modernity, between the past and the present, between the old and new, between the west and the east. Istanbul has a lot to offer, including photographing it. Yes, this is my first visit to Istanbul (after so many years of living near by…. ).

As a photography enthusiast, I wouldn’t and I will not leave my DSLR camera at home, especially as my mission here is to photograph the city and as a test how to travel slowly on our own, without joining any tour group. It is different and harder, as I have to do my homework on where to go and which objects are worth photographing and yet I try to be different from the main images out there. But like a lot of people I knew that already, there are not many angles which have not been photographed, and for a first timer, I don’t know anything about the city. So I have to do a recce. The above is a slideshow of my recce in photographing Istanbul with my iPhone, before I come back to that same location, using my proper DSLR camera. As you all know, the key to taking a good photograph is you have to be at the location at the right time, the right moment and the right place. The problem with me, is timing is not too good, as this is the middle of summer and at the end of Ramadan.

I think I have to come back then….


  1. my next destination country to visit…semoga bisa ..dah lama pengen kesana gak jadi jadi.. 😦


    • Kalo mau ke sana jangan bulan Juli, dan Agustus, terlalu banyak turis, ga bisa liat apa-apa dan terlalu panas….


      • Mungkin bulan Maret atau bulan oktober, dan lebih baik jangan pada saat hari raya lebaran (lebaran biasa atau lebaran haji) karena touris lokal tumpah semua di jalan….


  2. I love these photos, and am amazed by what you see and choose to photograph and by what can be done with an iPhone. Looking forward to the dslr shots.


    • Yes, iPhone is very handy and useful, especially with various apps, you can do a lot more. However, it can not match the quality of dslr….


  3. Wonderful photos captured by mobilephone! Nice quality as is most definitely help in the process but your photos are truly remarkable!


      • 🙂 have to agree that iPhone has great lens in their camera compared to android..
        Mbak..aku sudah post itinerari soal Raja Ampat – ada di blog skrg kalau mau info lbh detil mau ke sana dan tips resort yg cantik di Raja Ampat.


      • OK trims tuk post ttg raja ampat, kok bisa kelewat ya waktu itu di posting… Thanks anyway 🙂


  4. Great job Nina… amazing what one can do with an iPhone. Oh yeah, and a great eye for photos. Talk about timing, I loved the seagull arriving for lunch. I think seagulls are the same world over. 🙂 –Curt


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