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The Lion’s Fight

I wrote about a Pride of Lions a few years ago, as a blog post after my safari holiday in 2013 and a photo gallery about the Lions. We know that when we go on a photography safari, sometimes we are waiting and waiting for action, and yet nothing happens. But when the action happens, it should not be missed; and it can happen without warning. Yes, we end up taking few pictures in only a split seconds as each seconds can give different frames and in a couple of minutes and a couple of dozens’ frames later, the action’s over.  By the end of the day, we will end up taking hundreds of pictures.

The occasion above was one of those  examples. A picture frame I took of 2 lions fighting over a lioness. I explained in my previous blog on Lion Pride, the male lions are from the same pride. They fight each other, but not for long, only a minute or two. What happens within these couple of minutes is unpredictable. I just had to prepare my camera for the right setting mode prior to the action and wait behind the view finder of my camera. Once the action starts, I just have to press the shutter button like mad. The result was dozens of pictures at a time. Now, I still have hundreds of photos that haven’t been published, and I still love to look back at them. Today, I think I would like to share it with you for this particular Weekly Photo Challenge:

The picture above is a fraction of one minute of a lions fight action and they look very symmetrical…. especially when I cut it into a certain frame. The truth is actually not quite so….

Before cropping

Bigger frame before cropping

More posts and info about the fight can be seen here and here.



    • Actually it was not that far, maximum only 20 m. I was surprise as well that suddenly they were fighting and the next thing I knew they stopped and walked away….


      • mungkin salah satu alasan gw ga pengen ke afrika ya itu..takut sama binatang2 buas, apalagi kalau ketemu ular huuuuu


      • Sebenernya kalo mau realistis, di Jakarta juga banyak ular… dulu di rumah gw ular suka masuk ke halaman, malah pernah masuk rumah dan di komplex perumahan gw pernah ada ular python, yang makan anjing2 liar di komplex…. 😛


      • aduh….lihat foto ular di majalah aja buru2 gw lempar majalahnya, kalo di tv buru2 pindah channel…jangaaaaan ketemu ular di jakarta deh..


  1. Gara

    They are so fierce that I believe I will shaky when I see them live, even from the distance of 20m.
    Breathtaking photo. Just… wow.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow… mbak Nin…… Dirimu jago banget sih ngambil fotonya… Salut deh. *angkat topi sambil menunduk hormat*
    Nggak coba kirim ke majalah mbak seperti National Geographic dan sebangsanya?


    • Ha ha ha… itu yang jadi masalah, karena by the end of the day, buntutnya adalah networking juga…. saya ga sanggup tuk melakukan yg ini…. tapi nanti kalo dah bebas mungkin akan coba lagi. Thanks for the advice anyway… 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Symmetry: The Making Of | My Atheist Blog

  4. Pingback: Looking back to 2015 | Nins' Travelog

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