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The city of Casablanca was romanticised by the movie Casablanca.   However, today, apart form being Morocco’s economic capital, Casablanca doesn’t offer much to the tourist.

Gate to the tourist bazaar during blue hour.

The only tourist attraction in Casablanca is the Hassan II Grand Mosque, which is the biggest mosque outside the Holy cities of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia.

Regardless of all that, Casablanca was my first introduction to Morocco. I was very impressed, for a developing country Morocco is doing very well. We stayed for the night in the area near the port where a lot of infrastructure works are going on. According to my guide, Casablanca is now building a tramway system across the city, just to improve public transportation.

Image of the street in Casablanca when we drive into the city from the airport.

The most interesting place in Casablanca for me is the Corniche.  Like many Arab cities that are located by the sea, they all have a Corniche.  However, unlike the Corniche in Doha, which is very beautiful overlooking Westbay, Casablanca’s Corniche has no such view, but it has atmosphere and one can sit there for ever just ‘people spotting’ and enjoy the sun (provided it’s not in summer).

This look could be anywhere in the Mediterranean Europe, or Florida, or even Bondi Beach…. but this is at the Corniche of Casablanca

To me it’s more like Bondi Beach in Sydney, where all restaurants, bars and clubs are, and across the street is where the people doing their people watching, and being watched.

Streetscape of Casablanca

It’s very obvious here that the Moroccan’s like their football

And Moroccans, especially Casablancan’s like their big bikes, as shown here parking at the Corniche.

More interesting picture of Casablanca on my Facebook Page

Filed under: eBlog, travel

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Retired Architect | Photographer | Traveller | Dog Sitter | Gardener Wannabe |


  1. Felicity

    Dear Nin,

    Makasih sudah mampir ke blog saya dan atas apresiasinya ya…. Mohon maaf kalau baru sempat mampir, karena kesibukan saya jarang bisa blogwalking… Saat membuka site ini komentar saya satu: WOWWWW!!!!……. what an amazing blog! Blog kamu bagussss….bangettt, nice pictures, nice stories….. saya bakalan sering mampir ke sini… bahkan saya bookmarks di laptop…. Saya sudah lama mimpi pengen ke Maroko….. ternyata, postingan Nin yang saya lihat langsung tentang Casablanca. Liburan terakhir kita cuma sempat ‘numpang lewat’di Gibraltar Strait di atas pesawat saat landing di Malaga hehe…. Semoga suatu hari bener2x bisa ke sana. Saya akan link back ya… 🙂


    • Nin

      Hi Felicity, thanks tuk pujiannya… bikin saya melambung… walaupun statistik mengatakan lain….ha ha ha :0


  2. Pingback: Rick’s Cafe « Nins' Travelog

  3. Pingback: The King Hassan II Mosque « Nins' Travelog

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