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Saturday Lunchtime

As a Middle East expat, I think we work harder than other expats who work in a ‘normal’ world. Yes, we work 6 days a week and at least a 50 hour week. And our break day is on Friday, not Sunday like the rest of the world. However, we play hard as well. Not only that we can have exotic holidays, but we also enjoy treats every now and then. I am lucky enough that I get the same deployment as my husband, so we work for the same company and in the same country. However, that doesn’t mean that we lead a ‘normal’ life. We left our families and relatives behind. Even though means of communication have never been so easy, I bet they still don’t understand what kind of lifestyle we are having out here.

Nevertheless, I keep on sending them pictures, through MMS facility, so that it reaches them instantly in their mobile phone, telling them whereabouts we are or what am I doing or even what I eat for lunch. What I didn’t realize was that how often I send them pictures of my food:

“So it seems that you never cook, you are always eating in a restaurant…” that was a reply from my cousin.

Other people even wrote on her Facebook status : “Somebody out there, STOP uploading food pictures on Facebook!”

I feel embarrassed with that remark, and I felt like I had too many treats of eating out too often, if its not always. Yes, I have to admit that I don’t cook, and as we can afford to eat out. Especially our Saturday Lunchtime. We like to have a special treat, having it in a hotel restaurant. Currently our favorite place to eat is at the Cellar Wine & Tapas.

Interior of The Cellar, very elegantly decorated

Interior of The Cellar, very elegantly decorated

A Mediterranean Tapas and Wine tasting place that is popular among the yuppies after hours. I will write more about The Cellar next week. but this is the food that we ate during our last two visits to this place.

Australian Black Angus Beef Medallions

Australian Black Angus Beef Medallions

Salmon Steaks on Green Asparagus and Saffron Sauce

Salmon Steaks on Green Asparagus and Saffron Sauce

And this is what we had today:

Mediterranean Seafood Mix served with Zucchini and Capers

Mediterranean Seafood Mix served with Zucchini and Capers

Grilled Hammour Fillets on Sauteed Spinach and Lemon Cream Sauce

Grilled Hamour Fillets on Sauteed Spinach and Lemon Cream Sauce


  1. Waduh Mbak, kerjanya 6 hari, 50 jam tiap minggu..ckckck…. beda banget ya. Di sini 7 jam 45 menit per hari untuk winter dan 7 jam per hari untuk summer, Monday til Friday. Liburnya 5 minggu per tahun dengan gaji plus jatah libur overtime. Belum lagi easter holiday, winter holiday, christmas holiday ell. Kalo dipikir2x kebanyakan libur hehe :D…. tapi kerjanya efektif lah, justeru karena tahu bakalan libur jadi pengen kerjaan beres dulu…

    Lucky you bisa makan sering di luar….. di sini boro2x tiap minggu…. sayang aja karena harga makanan yang ngga murah…. karena Oslo selalu ada di deretan salah satu kota termahal di dunia. Yup, dulu waktu awal2x saya suka share foto makanan yang unik di media sosial…. tapi lama2x ngga enak juga karena kuatir nanti dikira pamer, kesan yang diterima pembaca dan pesan yang kita ingin sampaikan saat posting seringkali ngga nyambung apalagi kalau si penerima pesan tinggal di konteks sosial dan lingkungan yang beda dengan kita.


    • Nin

      Thanks for the Visit Fel, and input tentang foto makanan. Cerita di atas cuma menjawab “Weekly Photo Challenge”nya wordpress. Btw, saya sebenarnya tertarik dengan Food Photography, makanya saya seneng motretin foto2 makanan, tapi karena di complain, saya menguploadnya di aja…

      Cerita tentang makan di Doha, mungkin sama mahalnya dengan di Oslo, karena dibandingin dengan London, harga makanan di Doha lebih mahal. Maklum, semua produk kan di impor oleh Qatar, kecuali oil & gas.

      Anyway, I was looking for your blog, kok ngilang sih?


  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Lunchtime | Flickr Comments

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Lunchtime (3) Yemen | What's (in) the picture?

  4. Pingback: Lunchtime! | Rebecca Barray

  5. Pingback: Bye-bye 2013 | Nins' Travelog

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